Flexible Terms with Competitive Rates
Overcome Budget Limitations
Fixed Monthly Payments
Easy One-Page Application and Fast Credit Approvals
Single Source Acquisition (Canon product, Canon financing)
Overcome Budget Limitations
Fixed Monthly Payments
Easy One-Page Application and Fast Credit Approvals
Single Source Acquisition (Canon product, Canon financing)
Preserves Working Capital and Credit Lines
Allows for Easy Upgrades and Add-Ons
All Canon Cameras, Canon Lenses and Canon Accessories are eligible for 0% or 1.99% financing when at least one Cinema EOS model is included on the lease. (Please see below for Canon Cinema EOS models.)
All non-Canon products are eligible to be leased at standard rates when at least one Canon product is included on the lease.
All leases will have a $1.00 Purchase Option at lease end. Unless otherwise specified, all standard CFS and ITCG policies apply.