- Author: Gordon Lewis
- Softcover, 144 Pages
- Published May 2015

In Street Photography: The Art of Capturing the Candid Moment from Rocky Nook, photographer Gordon Lewis helps you understand and master the challenging yet rewarding world of street photography. The book talks about why photographers are drawn to street photography, the different styles, and what makes a successful street photograph. Also covered is the impact different environments have on the process and how the choice of location can change a photographer's approach to image capture. You will come to understand how traveling light with minimal equipment benefits you as a street photographer, and learn practical advice on cameras, lenses, camera bags, and clothing. Whether your style is to engage your subjects or remain unnoticed, Lewis offers ideas on how to capture fascinating moments in time, and these techniques and approaches can help you master the art of street photography.
Publisher |
Rocky Nook
Publication Date |
May, 2015
Author |
Gordon Lewis
Includes Images |
ISBN Number |
ISBN 13: 9781937538378
Cover Type |
Number of Pages |
Dimensions |
8.0 x 10.0" / 20.3 x 25.4 cm