- Author: Jerod Foster
- Softcover, 232 Pages
- Published October 2016

The Enthusiast's Guide to Portraiture: 59 Photographic Principles You Need to Know from Rocky Nook teaches you the skills necessary to shoot great portraits in natural light. Photographer and author Jerod Foster covers equipment, setup, light, composition, posing, color, storytelling, post-processing, and more. Each chapter is broken down into a series of numbered lessons, with each lesson providing you with knowledge and techniques to improve your photography. This book is illustrated with examples and offers an effective, friendly, and fun way to improve your portrait photography. Whether you read an entire chapter at once or one topic at a time, this guide will help you learn important lessons so you can get out in the world and start taking great portraits.
Type of Media |
Author |
Jerod Foster
Publisher |
Rocky Nook
Publication Date |
October, 2016
ISBN-13 |
Number of Pages |
Cover Type |
Dimensions |
8.5 x 8.5" / 21.6 x 21.6 cm