Product Features
- Author: Jeff Carlson
- Softcover, 288 Pages
- Published June 2019

BOOK - The Photographer's Guide to Luminar 4
Model # 9781681984049
In The Photographer's Guide to Luminar from Rocky Nook, photographer Jeff Carlson helps you discover Luminar's best features so you can take full advantage of the program for all your photography needs. From importing your images, to editing, managing, and exporting your files, Jeff teaches you the power, precision, and control of Luminar while showing you how to work quickly and efficiently. Luminar provides you with the ability to quickly create stunning photos, and this book will show you how to use workspaces, filters, presets, look up tables, advanced editing features, digital asset management, and image sharing.
Publisher |
Rocky Nook
Publication Date |
June, 2019
Author |
Jeff Carlson
ISBN Number |
ISBN 13: 9781681984049
Cover Type |
Number of Pages |
Dimensions |
8.0 x 10.0" / 20.3 x 25.4 cm